kostolik mikulašova

The wooden Greek Catholic Church of the Protection of the Blessed V, Mikulášová (Bardejovské Kúpele)

The Greek Catholic wooden church of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin dates back to 1730. It was originally built in the village of Mikulášová, but in 1931 it was moved to the open-air museum - Museum of Folk Architecture in Bardejovské Kúpele.

The three-part log building houses a valuable iconostasis from the 18th century with interesting colorful decorations. The furnishings of the wooden church from Mikulášová, the iconostasis and other icons come from the time when the building was built, i.e. from the first half of the 18th century.

 Drevený chrám,, Mikulášová. Foto: OOCR Šariš – Bardejov
Drevený chrám,, Mikulášov...

The wooden church served the needs of the locals until 1926, when they began building a new church using bricks. The new building was built in the immediate vicinity of the wooden temple, which soon after fell into disrepair.

In 2005, however, the wooden church got renovated, including a brand new stylish wooden fence with two gates. The interior still houses the original iconostasis.


Zdroj: www.drevenechramy.sk

Titulná foto: Jano Štovka, MQEP



Skanzen, Bardejovské Kúpele

Najstarší skanzen na Slovensku otvorený už v roku 1965, umiestnený hneď vedľa známych Bardejovských kúpeľov.

Bardejov (UNESCO)

Meštianske domy, radnica, Bazilika minor sv. Egídia, maľovaný dom, socha kata a množstvo ďalších zaujímavostí na každom kroku...

Hrad Zborov

Gotický hrad postavili na prelome 13. a 14. storočia ako ochranu obchodnej cesty do Poľska. K hradu vedie aj trasa cez alej prastarých dubov.

Miesto výletu:

V blízkosti výletu:

Reštaurácia Kryštál 0.48 km
Reštaurácia ľudových jedál U POLJAKA0.92 km
Salaš Lesná2.21 km
Steakhouse Záhrada2.74 km
Motorest Mark2.96 km
Penzión Zunama0.17 km
Apart Club Zora0.31 km
Apartmány Afrodita0.50 km
Kúpeľno-liečebný ústav DRUŽBA0.75 km
Motorest Mark2.96 km