Humenné skanzen - cerkev Sv. Michala Archaniela z Novej Sedlice

The wooden Greek Catholic Church of the Holy Archangel Michael, Nová Sedlica (Humenné)

The Church of the Holy Archangel Michael was built more than 250 years ago, in 1764, in the village of Nová Sedlica in the Snina district. The dating can be determined from the characters of the Greek alphabet, which are engraved above the entrance door of the church. The main building was built from fir wood.

The most distinctive architectural and artistical element of the interior is the Baroque iconostasis. A substantial part of the sanctuary of the temple is occupied by the original altar, which is covered by a canopy supported by four columns decorated with vine motifs.

In the village of Nová Sedlica, a wooden church was situated on a hill near the current cemetery. After the construction of a new brick church, however, it was moved to the Exhibition of Folk Architecture and Housing of the Vihorlat Museum in Humenné.

Currently, religious ceremonies are held in the Church of the Holy Archangel Michael several times a year



Titulná foto: Jano Štovka, MQEP




Mesto Humenné, často nazývané aj centrom či bránou horného Zemplína, sa rozprestiera v severovýchodnej časti Slovenska, pri sútoku riek Laborec a Cirocha.

Hrad Brekov

Hrad Brekov, národná kultúrna pamiatka, patrí k hradom, na ktoré sa vďaka obnove a nadšencom opäť vrátil život. Zážitok z návštevy hradu umocňuje nádherný, ďaleký kruhový výhľad na okolitú prírodu.

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V blízkosti výletu:

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