Kostol Nepoškvrneného počatia Panny Márie, Hraničné. Foto KOCR SVS

Roman Catholic Church of the Immaculate Conception, Hraničné

The picturesque village of Hraničné boasts a jewel among Slovak sacral buildings, the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Virgin Mary. In its current geographical position, it represents the westernmost building in the collection of wooden churches in Slovakia.

The Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Hraničné was built thanks to a joint effort of the Greek and Roman Catholics in 1785 and it still serves both denominations. As a rare cultural monument, it is open to the general public, but the visit must be arranged by phone in advance.

This wooden church survived many disasters, especially the World War II. During its restoration, it was completely dismantled, moved to a different site and rebuilt. At the same time, it was turned by 90 degrees to the prescribed east-west orientation. A sacristy was added on the north side of the church.

 Kostol Nepoškvrneného počatia Panny Márie, Hraničné. Foto: KOCR Severovýchod Slovenska
Kostol Nepoškvrneného poča...

This three-part log building attracts visitors not only with its beautiful exterior, but also with its rare interior, which is often older than the church itself. Some parts of the interior come from the remains of the old Renaissance and Baroque altars from the Church of St. Nicolas in Stará Ľubovňa, which was repaired in the middle of the 18th century and given new decoration.

The rarest element of the wooden church in Hraničné is the main altar featuring a polychrome wood carving, which dates back to 1670. There is also an old organ. The interior also includes a pulpit from the second half of the 17th century, carved benches, flags, original copper holy water fonts and smaller paintings.


Zdroj: www.drevenechramy.sk

Titulná foto: KOCR Severovýchod Slovenska



Litmanová - Hora Zvir

Zamagurie- krásna nedotknutá príroda, oázy ticha, miesto, kde dediny dýchajú pokojom- tak, ako aj Litmanová, dedinka, ktorá žije svoj každodenný kolob...

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Ľubovniansky hrad a skanzen

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