
Wooden Church of St. Anna, Tatranská Javorina

The atypical church in a picturesque Tatra village was built by the Lord Hohenlohe, one of the richest noblemen of his age, who owned extensive territories in the Tatras. The church is set in beautiful surroundings on the outskirts of the village, surrounded by a small cemetery and overlooking the majestic Belianske Tatras. The wooden church is Catholic despite his patron being a Protestant.

The church was consecrated to St. Anne, the patron of the forest work. 

 Pohľad na Havran od Tatranskej Javoriny. Foto: Jano Štovka, MQEP
Pohľad na Havran od Tatransk...

The wooden church is set in beautiful nature overlooking the Belianske Tatras. In honor of the Lord Hohenlohe, the coat of arms of the Hohenlohe family was placed in a place of honor in the temple.

 Kostol sv. Anny, Tatranská Javorina. Jano Štovka, MQEP
Kostol sv. Anny, Tatranská J...

The church is surrounded by a cemetery in the center of which stands a large tomb. It belongs to the administrator of Javorina Eduard Kégel who died in 1911. The tomb was built for him out of gratitude and respect by the Lord Hohenlohe. Hohenlohe appreciated Kégel so much that he allowed him to hunt game as the first person after ten years long ban on hunting due to breeding of wild animals. To the left of the Kégel’s tomb, Hohenlohe himself and his wife, a Polish artist Otýlia Lubraniec-Dambská (a commoner and Catholic), found a resting place. A well-known painter of Tatras Jaroslav Votruba is also resting in the graveyard.

The Church of St. Anna, together with the cemetery, wooden morgue, tomb of the Kégel family and tombstones of the Lord Hohelohe and J. Votruba are national cultural monuments. 

 Kostol sv. Anny, Tatranská Javorina. Jano Štovka, MQEP
Kostol sv. Anny, Tatranská J...



Lovecký zámoček Hohenlohe, Tatranská Javorina

Drevený zámoček z konca 19. storočia bol sídlom správy rozsiahlych majetkov kniežaťa Hohenlohe. Neskôr slúžil na reprezentačné účely najvyšších ústavných činiteľov, verejnosti ho sprístupnil prezident A. Kiska.


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