cerveny klastor plte


Come and enjoy the interesting places scattered around the smallest national park in Slovakia - Pieniny.

Red Monastery museum

 Múzeum Červený Kláštor. Zdroj foto: Jano Štovka, KOCR SVS
Múzeum Červený Kláštor....

The Cottage Pieniny, Lesnica

The Cottage Pieniny in Lesnica is known not only for excellent food, but also for an exceptional Goral atmosphere. Only in this place you can be made a member of the Goral community during a special ceremony. The cottage near the border with Poland is a good starting point to explore Pieniny or enjoy Dunajec rafting and cycling.

 Chata Pieniny. Zdroj foto: www.chatapieniny.sk
Chata Pieniny. Zdroj foto: ww...

Bath red monastery – Smerdžonka

 Kúpele Červený Kláštor - Smerdžonka. Zdroj foto: Jano Štovka, KOCR SVS
Kúpele Červený Kláštor -...

The exposition on Pieniny nature, Spišská Stará Ves

Nature of Pieniny in one place. The exposition of the Infocentre provides information on Pieniny’s habitats: the original Pieniny forest, the meadows of Pieniny and Spišská Magura, the Dunajec River, and the Aksamitka Cave. A three-dimensional plastic map shows the territory in particular details. You can find all the information about Pieniny’s nature, as well as about cultural monuments and the country thanks to various models and the wall posters

 Expozícia Pieninskej prírody. Zdroj foto: www.pienap.sopsr.sk
Expozícia Pieninskej prírod...

Dunajec rafting

Would you like to experience the Dunajec in all its glory? Be sure not to miss one of the most fascinating experiences when visiting Pieniny - Dunajec rafting surrounded by beautiful nature. The river near Red Monastery enters a beautiful canyon called the Dunajec Gorge. Rafting on this river is also suitable for less experienced paddlers. The biggest tourist attraction on the Slovak-Polish section of the Dunajec river is rafting on traditional wooden rafts. 

 Prielom a splav Dunajca. Zdroj foto: Jano Štovka, KOCR SVS
Prielom a splav Dunajca. Zdro...

Haligovské rocks

Bizarre rock towers, karst valleys (Široká, Hlboká), hollows and dry water beds. In Pieniny there are caves, too, but their interior remains hidden from the sight of tourists. These include Aksamitka Cave in Red Rock and Zbojnícka Cave under Hrubá Rock. Its distinguishing sign is the 5 meters high rock window Zbojnícka Gate.

 Haligovské skaly. Zdroj foto: Alena Marhefková
Haligovské skaly. Zdroj foto...

Goralský dvor (Goral Courtyard) - Museum of Historical Machines, Haligovce

Have you ever seen an open-air museum of period machines? A unique and the only open-air museum of this kind in Slovakia can be found in the area under the Haligov Rocks. Goralský dvor offers tasty local cuisine. Those of adventurous nature can set their camp nearby and admire "farm" animals. 

 Goralský dvor – múzeum historických strojov. Zdroj foto: Goralský dvor
Goralský dvor – múzeum hi...

Path of mineral springs

The unusual mineral springs path connects 12 mineral springs across the region. These include the most important but also lesser known springs open to tourists.

 Cesta minerálnych prameňov. Zdroj foto: OOCR Severný Spiš Pieniny
Cesta minerálnych prameňov....

"Jánošíkov skok" ("Jánošík's Leap") (Pieniny)

Legend has it that Juro Jánošík accepted into his entourage only those who managed to jump over Dunajec. The place the legend talks about is located below the Ostrá Rock, the riverbed is 12 meters wide (the narrowest place on the Dunajec) and deep.

Titulná foto: Jano Štovka, KOCR SVS



Pieninský národný park

Územie Pienin bolo vyhlásené za národný park v roku 1967, ale už v roku 1932 prielomová dolina Dunajca s priľahlými lesmi bola vyhlásená za Slovenskú prírodnú rezerváciu v

Stará Ľubovňa

Zavítajte do Starej Ľubovne, mesta s bohatou históriou a lákadlami pre turistov. Ľubovniansky hrad a skanzen, Viktóriine záhrady...


Miesto výletu:

V blízkosti výletu:

Penzión Pltník0.21 km
Goralská reštaurácia u Petríka0.25 km
Bath Red Monastery - Smerdžonka0.28 km
Kúpele Červený Kláštor1.17 km
Ubytovanie v Kláštore Kartuziánov1.69 km
Penzión Pltník0.21 km
Obecný penzión Červený Kláštor0.27 km
Bath Red Monastery - Smerdžonka0.28 km
Penzión pod Troma Korunami0.44 km
Privát Sokolica0.62 km