Spišský hrad a Spišská Kapitula, autor - Zoltán Duray, zdroj - KOCR Severovychod Slovenska

Spiš Castle

Spiš Castle

The eastern horizon of Spiš is filled up by the majestic silhouette of Spiš Castle, which, with an area of over 4 hectares, ranks among the largest ruined castle complexes in the Central Europe. In 1993, Spiš Castle and its cultural monuments were included in the UNESCO World Heritage List.

The medieval castle standing on a travertine hill was constructed at the beginning of the 12th century, and over its active life spanning over 600 years, it has seen several additional building being built in its vicinity. The oldest written record on the castle dates back to 1120.

Initially, it served as a border fortress on the northern border of the early Austria-Hungary. Then, it became a seat of the Spiš county for several centuries and thus the main center of secular power in Spiš.  

Spišský hrad a Spišská Kapitula. Foto: Zoltán Duray KOCR Severovýchod Slovenska
Spišský hrad a Spišská Kap...

The castle complex currently houses museum expositions of the Spiš Museum on the history of the castle, medieval weapons and feudal justice.

Through the countryside around Spiš Castle leads a comfortable nature trail Sivá Brada - Dreveník. Tourists can learn about the history of the area and its natural attractions at eight educational stops.

How to get there: by car to the parking lot under the castle, from there walk for about 10 min. On foot from Spišské Podhradie it takes about 1 hour.

Zdroj: Dajama

Listen more about the locality HERE 

Spišské Podhradie

Slovac Vatican


Bazilika Navštívenia Panny Márie na Mariánskej hore

Dominanta mesta Levoča a jedno z najvýznamnejších pútnických miest na Slovensku. Kostol je filiálkou mariánskej Baziliky Santa Maria Maggiore v Ríme.

Oltár Majstra Pavla a historické centrum Levoče (UNESCO)

Najvyšší gotický drevený oltár na svete (18,62 m), radnica, klietka hanby a celkovo viac ako 300 kultúrno-historických pamiatok za takmer kompletne zachovaným systémom mestských hradieb.

Miesto výletu:

V blízkosti výletu:

Penzión Podzámok0.89 km
Penzión u Pacáka0.94 km
Spišský salaš0.99 km
Penzión U Kastelána1.26 km
Rezort Levočská dolina11.12 km
Penzión Chalúpka0.82 km
Penzión Podzámok0.89 km
Penzión u Pacáka0.94 km
Penzión U Kastelána1.26 km
Rezort Levočská dolina11.12 km