Chrám Ochrany Presvätej Bohorodičky, Kurimka. Foto: KOCR SVS

The wooden Greek Catholic Church of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin, Kurimka

The Greek Catholic Church of the Protection of the Blessed Virgin in the village of Kurimka, dating from the second half of the 18th century, was destroyed by fire in 1915. A few years later, a new church was built in its place. In the 70s of the 20th century, however, it was plastered from the outside and thus devalued.

From the construction point of view, the church is a three-part three-room building with two towers. The whole log construction is based on stone foundations. The original church had three towers, the current church has only two towers.



Titulná foto: KOCR Severovýchod Slovenska



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Bardejov (UNESCO)

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Hrad Zborov

Gotický hrad postavili na prelome 13. a 14. storočia ako ochranu obchodnej cesty do Poľska. K hradu vedie aj trasa cez alej prastarých dubov.

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Penzión Alnus9.37 km
Stavbet9.41 km
Massimo Coffee and Restaurant9.85 km
Famb restaurant & Cocktail bar9.91 km
Reštaurácia Martin10.05 km
Penzión Alnus9.37 km
Stavbet9.41 km
Motorest Mark10.76 km
Penzión Bardejov11.52 km
Kúpeľno-liečebný ústav DRUŽBA11.70 km