58. Andrea Cuperová - Drevený chrám v Ladomirovej

Greek-Catholic Wooden Church of St. Michael the Archangel (UNESCO)

The Greek-Catholic Church of Michael the Archangel ranks among the most representative churches of the Eastern rite on the Slovak side of the Carpathians.

It was built in 1742 without the use of a single metal nail on the model of the Carpathian-Russian Lemkos and is the only Lemko type church that has an octagonal dome over the nave. This influence is also shown in the design of the layout and placement of the belfry over the part called the “babinec” (“the place for women”), which is a kind of anteroom where women, who had no right to enter the church, used to linger.

In the church’s interior you can admire the beautiful Byzantine iconostasis with its depictions of many saints.

Foto: Jano Štovka MQEP
Foto: Jano Štovka MQEP

The church grounds in Ladomirová are open to the public. The church also has a cemetery alongside, fenced in by a wooden log fence, and a wooden belfry of column construction with a pyramidal roof covered with shingles. There were originally four bells, one of which dated from 1742. Currently, there are only three bells in the outdoor bell tower.

The wooden church in Ladomirová, along with 8 other wooden landmarks, has been registered on the UNESCO World Heritage List for their exceptional worldwide value since 7 June 2008.


Source of text: Planetslovakia, drevenechramy.sk, Wikipédia, PSK

Source of title photo: Andrea Cuperová, Choď a foť 2017



Drevený chrám, Bodružal (UNESCO)

Gréckokatolícky drevený chrám sv. Mikuláša v obci Bodružal v okrese Svidník je klenotom medzi cerkvami. Je to jeden z najstarších a najkrajších drevených chrámov na Slovensku.

Skanzen vo Svidníku

Národopisná expozícia v prírode – Múzeum ukrajinsko-rusínskej kultúry vo Svidníku, sústreďuje mnoho najtypickejších pamiatok ľudovej architektúry charakteristických pre túto kultúru.

Dotknite sa vojnovej histórie na Dukle a v okolí

Pre priaznivcov vojnovej histórie sa začína hlavná sezóna 1. mája, keď Vojenské historické múzeum, Múzejné oddelenie Svidník, sprístupňuje po zime rôzne atrakcie umiestnené v


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Reštaurácia Pizza express Svidník3.72 km
Reštaurácia Martin3.83 km
Royal restaurant & pizzeria4.02 km
Sportcentrumsk4.37 km
Venti 204.39 km
Stavbet5.04 km
Turistická ubytovňa - Infocentrum Vladiča11.42 km
Penzión Driečna **12.52 km
Hotel Ondava****12.80 km
Penzión u Pepina13.36 km